Clinical Research

Our vision is to answer questions of immediate translational importance, focusing on inpatient care (i.e. “the sick child”) and subsequent development (i.e. “the developing child”).  Our clinical research approach has gradually evolved from smaller scale work centred around Kilifi Hospital to multi-centre international work with significant work now led from our collaboration in Uganda and the Programme in Nairobi. Work in Nairobi includes a network spanning 14 hospitals where clinical information systems have been established as part of health systems research. This network supports monitoring case burdens, management practices and outcomes, and will form the basis for pragmatic randomized clinical trials and implementation studies. We also lead a network of sites working on malnutrition (the CHAIN network) which includes work on pathophysiology and epidemiology and will also form the basis of multi-centre international trials. 

Research Areas


The Childhood Acute Illness & Nutrition (CHAIN) Network brings together a network of clinical scientists...


Children with severe malnutrition who are admitted sick to hospitals have a high mortality in hospital and after discharge,...


HIV, with an estimated 1,2 million infected persons in 2012 in Kenya, affects all segments of society. Transmission has been studied...

Critical care

We lead international consortia on: critical care of “the sick child” including trials of blood transfusion and fluid resuscitation, oxygen therapy and treatment of severe


management of malnutrition including supportive care, nutritional rehabilitation and clinical/omic and pathophysiological pathway characterization; this work

Sickle cell

Treatment for sickle cell disease (now 1% of children in East Africa and a growing clinical burden) including trials of hydroxyurea and prophylactic

Antibiotic case management

The work involves trials of antibiotic stewardship.

Mental health

problems in LMIC settings are common in childhood, adolescence and adulthood and a major challenge to “the developing


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Human Infection Studies

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Malaria vaccine development

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Rift Valley Fever

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Clinical Services

We work in collaboration with a network of hospitals in Kenya from Nairobi and an international network studying malnutrition.

Clinical Trials facilities

Our Clinical Trials Facility provides trial monitoring, data management, regulatory advice, and management and GCP training.

Community engagement

The Community liaison group provides ongoing support for our trials from inception to study close out and informs study design...

Clinical Trials Laboratory (CTL)

CTL supports our capacity to conduct safety trials with rapidd turn around tests for critically ill children and safety laboratorty test values wherever required.